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Qionglin Tunnel


Saturday : 08:30 – 17:00




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To the right of the tunnel entrance is a museum which illustrates the rules and regulations Kinmen people lived under during the long military period (1956-1992). Find out why people weren't allowed to own balls…

It's one of the few Kinmen attractions with a charge—all of 10NT is collected from each visitor to help with tunnel maintenance.

This is the best tunnel in Kinmen to get a feel for what locals experienced during the many years of bombing.


The 1355-meter-long Qionglin Tunnel is Kinmen's largest  civil defense tunnel. Crossing Qionglin Village underground, it has 12 entrances and exits that lead to important facilities in the village as well as the gun fortress just outside the village. The command center for the tunnel is right beneath the Qionglin Village Office. The entrance to the tunnel is at the Village Office.
Qionglin Tunnel
Built in 1976, Qionglin Tunnel was regularly used by villagers to shelter from falling bombs during the civil war. It's even equipped with a well in case of long term stays
Qionglin Tunnel
Depending how long you take to look at the displays inside, it takes about 20-30 min to walk the entire length of the tunnel. Once you reach the exit, take time to enjoy strolling back to the Village Office where you started, this time above ground.
Qionglin Tunnel


Management Unit Department of Tourism, Kinmem County Government

TEL +886-82-324174

Address Qionglin St., Jinhu Township, Kinmen County Taiwán, R.O.C

Opening Hours Sunday : 08:30 – 17:00
Monday : 08:30 – 17:00
Tuesday : 08:30 – 17:00
Wednesday : 08:30 – 17:00
Thursday : 08:30 – 17:00
Friday : 08:30 – 17:00
Saturday : 08:30 – 17:00

Admission charge Visitors will be charged NT$ 10 per person for tunnel maintenance.


  • Parking

Recommended length of visit



